Thursday, August 16, 2007

fair or unfair

"I you need to go check the laundry...When are you going to take a break and clean? Are you going to clean your room for me, before you leave?"

These were all questions I was asked today as soon as I got home from work. I love my mom to death, but when she ask me to do things in that manner I feel more like a slave then a daughter.

Is it wrong that I don't want to do things when my mom ask me in the above manner?

My room has suddenly becomes her's..I have heard things from "I was use to using your room when you are gone and now you have stuff in it. Can you move that ponytail out of my viewing area? to That bag has been there are while, it is starting to bug me can you move it?" There is also the invasion of privoce. I will come home or call while I am gone a few days and say "oh I borrowed this, I hope you don't mind."

Eachday I become more and more anxious to get out on my own again, and mess being in college out of state more and more.

1 comment:

Sylvia said...

Hey Jennifer, I have to recommend to you (and your mom) the site, because she talks about very similar things to what you are discussing here: the nagging, the martyred attitude, etc. However, FlyLady has a lot of positive messages to counteract this negative thinking. My mom does the same thing, but sometimes I realize it is just because she doesn't feel she has anything under control. So yeah, sign up for FlyLady, you won't be sorry. :) God bless!