Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Scary Abortion Article

The other day I read a horrifying story in the San Antonio Express News on Abortion in China.

The article talked about that one clinic in China(keep in mind this clinic also focus on the "reproductive health of single women") had 65 abortions in the month of March, and 42 of those abortions were second abortions. The most horrifying out of those 65 was a woman who had her 6th abortion. The article also mention a young girl (22), had her second abortion in 18 months.

Being only 23 myself, I could not imagine going through two abortions, much less one abortion( I can't ever imagine going through an abortion). From this article, it seems like abortion has become a routine for young women in China, both single and married. Not saying this is how the women feel but it seems like they have a "it is okay if I get pregnant..I will just have an abortion"

There rising number of single or teenage women having abortions, and most of the abortions in parts of Beijing and Shanghai are unmarried or teenagers. The article blames this on the "new generation" is increasing "unmoored from the values--inhibitions--of traditional culture." The government is at partially blame as well; while they pay great attention to the reproductive lives of married couples, less attention has been paid to educating single women on sex.

The article mentions that premarital sex is becoming more common, because there is a lack of sex education. Single women "lack basic understanding about reproductive health and contraception." It seems like there is a night and day differences between what the U.S. teaching about sex and abortion, and what China teaches.

The U.S. has governmental figures fighting to minimize abortion and teach women that abortion is wrong, and basically gives out contraception(at some colleges contraception is given freely for sexually active students). On the other hand China is not teaching young women about contraception or the wrongs of abortion. In fact, China is contributing to abortion by limiting the number of children women can have.

One thing this article did not mention was the % abortions that are girls vs. boys. I am willing to say that almost 60% or more are girls, due to the value that is placed on males in China.

1 comment:

Matt said...

another issue with this situation, is that "educating in reproductive health" has the opposite effect on pre-marital sex, teen pregnancy or abortion rates, than the article suggests. Those things all increase the amount of illicit sex, which increases the amount of babies concieved, which increases the amount of abortions. This has shown true in Africa, Europe and the USA in a large scale. The only approach which is successful is - abstinence.

God Bless,
